Lease office furniture

How to Grow Your Business by Leasing Your Office Furniture & Fit-Out Project

Did you know that you don’t have to use cash or bank facilities to fund your furniture or fit-out project?

We are familiar with leasing vehicles and computer equipment but many do not realise that office fit-out, refurbishment, and furniture can be leased too. You probably know when you want your next car – say, in three years’ time – yet most of us underestimate how soon we’ll need to reconfigure our offices or replace the furniture. Accolade lease terms range from 2-5 years to suit your budget and the lease on your building.


3 Compelling Reasons for Leasing:
  • No Large Up-front Payment. This gives you the flexibility to expand when you really need to without being hampered by poor cash flow. Leasing leaves your bank credit lines intact for other business investments and bank overdrafts are unaffected.
  • Fixed Payments. Leasing combines certainty with flexibility because payments are fixed for the duration of the lease. This makes budgeting easy because there will be no unexpected variations that you might see in a normal loan package which is subject to interest rate changes.
  • Tax Advantages. Lease rental payments are 100% allowable against taxable profit. As the only method of finance offering these tax savings, leasing is the most tax efficient method of financing a fit-out. In some cases it can even work out cheaper than paying cash!


What is the difference between lease rental and lease purchase?
Lease Rental
  • Payments are 100% tax deductible.
  • Lessor claims the capital allowances, not you.
  • VAT is payable on each rental and reclaimed in the usual way.
Lease Purchase
  • All VAT is paid in advance.
  • You claim capital allowances as per cash purchase.
  • At the end of the period, the assets automatically become your property.
  • Payments are NOT 100% allowable.


Get the best solution now!

Current budgets will dictate the scope of your project, but with flexible payment options to suit your business, leasing allows you to achieve the specification of your choice so you’re less likely to have to make short term compromises. Contact a member of our team on 01785 228877 to discuss how we can help you achieve your office interior ambitions.